When the term "Schufa" appears, many people are startled. The reason is that "Schufa" is only talked about because if there are negative entries, no contracts can be signed or no purchases can be made. So some people think that the dream of the condominium as an investment has been shattered. We show here that this is not necessarily the case.
Real estate loan despite bad Schufa
The "SCHUFA" is a credit agency in Germany. The business purpose of the company is to provide credit-related information. The company receives this information about consumers from banks, building societies, mail-order companies, department stores or even telecommunications companies.
This includes, for example, information on the closing and information on the opening of current accounts, on consumer loans as well as on surety bonds. However, personal data that goes beyond address and name, such as information on assets and income or information on account balances, is not collected.