Death insurance – it sounds as if you can insure yourself against dying. Unfortunately, this is not the case. However, you can insure yourself against the costs that will hit your surviving dependents with full force in the event of your demise. The payments associated with a funeral in particular are often considerable – not to mention any outstanding bills. We show you when it makes sense to take out a funeral insurance policy, where you can find a reputable comparison or test and what it costs.

Does a death insurance make sense?

How useful is a death insurance? This is what many people ask themselves when they think about their own funeral. After all, the surviving dependents are faced with considerable costs.

Especially if there is little inheritance or your surviving dependents have little other financial means, a death insurance can make sense.

Although there are no or very low tuition fees at German universities and the cost of living in Germany is very low compared to other countries, two-thirds of international students still choose to work part-time to cover their living expenses.

Managing your finances is a very important challenge to figure out as an international student. Best to start preparing your finances and how to cover your living expenses in Germany early on.

Here are some ways to finance your studies in Germany:

11 pink piggy banks, arranged in a circle: With the help of a smart debt restructuring, you can save a lot of money!

You have one or more loans, including an expensive overdraft facility, and you just can't get rid of the idea that you could save a lot of money by restructuring your debt? You would therefore like to know whether the early redemption of your loan(s) makes sense?

The team of KREDIT 123 helps you gladly with the clarifying of the question whether the admission of a debt rescheduling credit for you can be a meaningful enterprise. Please read the following article on the subject in detail. Afterwards you will be able to evaluate better whether a debt restructuring is interesting for you and therefore should be tackled by you – or not.

What is a debt rescheduling? Definition and explanation of terms

When an existing loan is paid off early by taking out a new loan, this is called a debt restructuring. As a rule, a debt rescheduling loan is taken out, which has a much more favorable APR than the loan to be redeemed, so that interest savings can be claimed through this.

Many motorists have been caught speeding after failing to spot a stationary or moving speed camera. Seeing the bright yellow camera or parked vans, drivers may worry about how fast they were going or whether their speedometer is slightly defective.

What many people don't know, however, is how speed cameras work and how and why traffic tickets are issued to drivers.

With this in mind, Gareth Thomas, former North Wales Police Officer and Accident Reduction Officer at Go Safe, explained how speed cameras work, the truth behind some of the most popular myths and claims and – and how motorists can avoid getting caught.

Why rent when you could buy a home?

PROGRAM TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. Idaho Housing temporarily suspends Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) program. Due to the popularity of the program, we have used our tax exemption authority for MCCs. We hope that additional powers will be available in 2023.

A Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) issued by Idaho Housing and Finance Association allows a buyer to claim a federal tax credit for 35% of the mortgage interest paid annually, up to $2.000 per year. The customer center is an actual tax credit that can be applied to any federal taxes owed by the borrower. It can be extended for up to 3 years. A buyer may be eligible to receive the tax credit as long as they occupy the home. Borrowers need to contact their tax professionals for specific advice regarding the client center / tax credit.

If you have any further questions about the Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC), please email [email protected]

The decision to rent or buy a property depends on personal circumstances

What pays off more? Rent or buy? The decision to rent or become the owner of a property often depends on personal circumstances.

For one, the flexibility, not being tied to a place, is decisive to live in rent. For some others, a purchase is the only option from the outset, since one's life path already seems to be mapped out and one wants to settle in one place.

Beware of hidden additional costs

Another point that has to be considered are the additional costs. With a purchase you must count on about ten to fifteen percent of the purchase price. Included are:

Retirement savings tips for 65-year-olds and more

The usual retirement age was 65, but times have changed. Even the Social Security Administration (SSA) has raised the age at which full pensions are available. With the shift from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans-and many savings programs that do not generate projected returns-individuals may need to delay the date they begin receiving Social Security and other retirement benefits. They also have to live a retirement that is quite different from the one they envisioned.

Even for those who are financially secure, reaching age 65 means being. The time to retire is not always right when you reach the age of 65. Many 65-year-olds love their jobs and want to keep working. How to decide when the time is right? (For more information, see

Determine your readiness

If your employer's policy is to offer retirement pensions at age 65, consider whether you are truly ready to retire from a psychological crisis. and financial perspective. If not, consider asking your employer to allow you to work a few more years or if you would prefer to be hired as a consultant. Want to do so at least one year before reaching age 65. Do so before the age of 65, as some employers begin the retirement process early. Many employers are now focusing on hiring and retaining employees who are experienced and know the business to strengthen their intellectual banks.


The mini-loan is a loan where only micro-amounts are eligible as the disbursement amount. On the one hand, this has its disadvantages, since you can't make big financial leaps with the money, but it also has numerous advantages. We will go into these as well as the aspects that you absolutely must consider when applying for mezzanine financing. First of all: It is usually relatively uncomplicated to apply for a mini-loan and furthermore to get it confirmed. Therefore, it is a so-called easy-to-apply loan.

There are some aspects that set this loan apart from, say, the short-term loan – even though both forms of loan have in common that it is usually a microsum that is disbursed upon loan approval. Although the special features of a microloan will be discussed in more detail in the next paragraph, it should be emphasized at the outset that this is a very special loan model. One reason for this is that this loan has a limited amount to be paid out.

The special features of a microloan

The mini-loan – also known as a micro-loan – has some special features that we would like to share with you at this point. Therefore, these are also listed below clearly for you:

Couple before house

If you own a home, the thought of a mortgage hanging over your head for decades can be daunting for many people – and it's natural to want to pay off your mortgage as quickly as possible.

But before you decide to use an inheritance, a raise, or your savings to pay off your mortgage (or even before you decide to make additional payments), it's important to take a step back and determine if it really makes financial sense for you to do so.

In some cases, the amount you save in interest by paying off your mortgage early doesn't exceed what you would earn if you put the money elsewhere. On the other hand, sometimes it's not about the return on other investments, but rather peace of mind or freeing up cash flow for other opportunities.

A fair in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, where homeownership costs less than 15% of a typical annual wage.

MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images/Contributor

  • According to Attom, nearly every U.S. state is now less affordable than its historical average.
  • However, there are places where a typical worker will not break their housing budget yet.
  • Here are five counties where homeowners should have plenty of money to live on after housing is completed.

Home ownership is not impossible everywhere.