“When should I get a home equity loan?” is a common question in today’s housing market.

Whether you want to remodel your kitchen or pay off those student loans, you’ve probably at least thought about a home equity loan.

It’s a low interest loan that comes from the equity you have in your house. It comes in a lump sum so you get the money all at once.

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Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

Larissa (name changed), 25 years old, works as a freelance dancer in Germany and abroad. Until summer 2017 she studied contemporary and classical stage dance, since then she was employed at an opera and a theater. She teaches dance as a part-time job. She does not have a regular income. It happens that she earns nothing for weeks on end. On average, she earns 700 euros net per month. From this she pays

  • 300 Euro rent
  • 200 euros for dance training
  • 80 Euro for their insurance
  • 10 euros for your cell phone contract
  • 100 travel expenses to the audition

She has also taken out her dowry insurance, a form of life insurance that parents take out for their daughter and that can become payable beforehand in the event of a wedding, and occasionally draws on these savings, also to pay for food, clothing and hygiene items.

Would you describe yourself as poor?

Not necessarily, but when I consider that a dance degree takes almost as long as a medical degree, but pays much less, it annoys me. It's unfair, because I invest a lot of time in training, in auditions, in rehearsals and in the end I can't make a living out of it.

The taking out of a loan is granted by the banks and savings banks under the presentation of certain conditions. These include a fixed earned income, a fixed residence and a minimum age of 18 years. A check of creditworthiness is also required. The information is retrieved from Schufa and other credit agencies such as Infoscore or Creditreform. If there is information that the applicant has not settled payments in the past, this leads to a negative credit rating. As a result, the loan application may be rejected.

Another criterion that often leads to the rejection of a credit request is the fixed-term employment contract. The reason for this is the lack of prospect of servicing the loan over a term that extends beyond the term of the employment contract. As a rule, borrowing takes place over a period of three to six years. There are small loans that are serviced more quickly, but a fixed-term employment contract usually runs for one year. The bank assumes that at the end of the year there will be no secure income with which to service the loan. Thus, it is difficult to obtain a loan with a fixed-term employment contract. We will show you solutions and ways to legally circumvent this provision.

The loan despite a fixed-term employment contract

There are several ways to get a loan with a fixed-term employment contract. A comparison of the offers is a first step. There is no legal requirement that prohibits the granting of a loan in the case of a fixed-term employment contract. It is up to the bank to decide whether to grant the loan to a customer. Many banks will refuse to grant credit on the grounds that repayment over the entire term is not secured. In many cases, the applicant is unable to prove a regular income for the period after the expiry of the time limit.

Avoid risks in construction financing

The dream of owning a home is fulfilled for most people only with an appropriate construction financing. This requires long-term planning and a realistic calculation. If the real estate credit is too scarce, substantial additional costs wait for the owner in the form of a financing gap. So that it does not come so far, we recommend the following tips to heed.

House financing – how big can the house be??

At the beginning of the financing of a real estate stands the complete collection of the own financial possibilities. Use existing income to determine what installments can be made in the future to pay off the real estate loan. Only regular income is included in the calculation.

In a second step, you have to add up the expenses that are necessary to cover your living expenses. This also includes expenses that are incurred only once a year. The expenses for monthly rent payments can be excluded, as these will not have to be paid in the future. After completion, the annual expenses are subtracted from the income and the result is divided by twelve. This amount represents the value that can be used to pay off the loan each month.

Credit in Germany or Austria - Where better to conclude?

In recent years, it has become clear that taking out an online loan in Germany or Austria is becoming increasingly popular. Throughout the German-speaking world, borrowers are increasingly turning to online offers, partly because of their lower costs. However, there are often major differences between loans from German or Austrian institutions. In this article, we show what to look out for in order to get a good deal in any case.

Online loans: size of the market determines the choice

If one would like to lock a credit over Internet, then one has usually the agony of the choice. In Germany in particular, there are numerous providers for most forms of credit, which can sometimes differ significantly in terms of conditions. Austria also has a correspondingly large number of providers. But a closer look at the market reveals that the choice in Germany is significantly greater. The reason for this is that there are significantly greater opportunities for small institutions in a large market like Germany.

Quite a few people who live in Austria take a loan in Germany for this reason. Because the probability of getting a loan with ideal conditions for the individual requirements, is simply much higher here. However, one must keep in mind that in case of operational problems, which require for instance an exchange of letters, or even a visit to the respective institute, the matter can easily become complicated. However, this will rarely happen in the normal case. Because most institutions offer good online customer service, which is of course also available from abroad.


"If you don't know where you want to go, it doesn't matter which way you go." (Alice in Wonderland)

How to optimize your finances sustainably, reduce your costs and increase your income at the same time? Can I afford it? Where does the money always flow? Why is sometimes in the middle of the month already "end of money"?? You have probably heard such or similar statements before or possibly experienced them yourself. Here we would like to offer you some concrete, tried and tested solutions. With our decades of experience, we have always noticed certain behavioral patterns. We share the findings and the essence of them with you here.

Forget everything about the budget

Most of the time it is the consciously accomplished little things that make our lives sweeter. Here a frothy Latte Macchiato with Starbucks, there an extensive meal with its dearest ones… Often it is small things, which prepare an accordingly large joy in the everyday life for you. Exactly here often the "bad conscience" plagues that we spend too much money for unnecessary things. Budget is important, but there are more important things to consider. We will come back to this.
Professor Roy Baumeister, one of the most cited social psychologists in the world, has impressively shown in his recommendable book "The Power of Discipline" that it is better to define and automate certain areas consciously. Every time I consciously think about whether I should buy this or that or not, it consumes a lot of glucose in my brain. This costs some willpower until a certain self-exhaustion occurs. This can be thought of somewhat like a muscle that gets exhausted after too many workout repetitions. After that, nothing works anymore and we run the risk of making rash decisions. Side note: Now you know why Steve Jobs and other successful entrepreneurs always wear the same clothes. This way, one area of your life is already automated and your decision muscle can be used for bigger, more important tasks. This is exactly why you should also define concrete (partial) goals, follow them clearly and then automate them once and for all. The chances are so much better to pull through his project in the long term.
Some people receive their wages and can hardly wait to use them to pay the salaries of others. What is meant by? Whose salary do you pay when you go to the hairdresser? When you go to the bakery and buy bread, who do you pay the wages to..? The question now is, who is the most important person when it comes to you and your finances?? Exactly, yourself!

Practical tip

Always pay yourself first, preferably right on payday. Create systems and habits that support you to really achieve your goals and automate them.

Rent nomads - nothing works without a certificate from the previous tenant

When looking for a new rental apartment, tenants have to disclose many private details. There are even cases where the previous landlord is asked about the behavior of the tenant.

Rent fraud: when the rent is transferred irregularly or not at all

For landlords, a problematic and damaging situation arises when the monthly rent is paid irregularly or never again, the tenant cannot be found or spoken to. This type of tenant is called a rent nomad and these "tenants" are known to every landlord – even if they have never had any experience with them themselves. Mietnomaden are characterized by unreliable or missing rent payments, dirty the dwelling, let this come down and leave these gladly over night flight-like in an accordingly grim condition. In such a case landlords* often do not know what to do. What can they do against Mietnomaden, so that they are not affected and subsequently even a professional clearing out in Essen at a fixed price must take place.

There are tips and tricks that landlords can use to protect themselves in advance against rental nomads and how it is possible to legally claim the rent if rental fraudsters are already living in the apartment.

For many investors, the word "stock market crash" is enough to send a shiver down their spine. But sooner or later a crash in the stock market will happen.

Unfortunately, we will never know in advance exactly when a crash will begin, how long it will last, or how severe the decline will be. In many cases, we won't even know what triggered a big drop until it's in full swing. But what we do know is that the benchmark S&P 500 (WKN: A0AET0) has experienced 38 double-digit declines over the past 71 years. That's an average of a double-digit percentage decline every 1.87 years, showing how commonplace crashes and corrections are.

Apply for a loan - when a debt restructuring is worthwhile

Sometimes the washing machine or the car breaks down when you don't need it at all from a financial point of view. And often a mishap does not come alone either. Of course, there are also moments when an opportunity arises and money must be given immediately. Who has no one he can ask for a small loan in such a situation, must usually apply for a loan. There are plenty of offers. About reviewsbird.de you can find the most favorable offers as well as experience reports of other providers.

Those who have already taken out another loan should possibly also consider whether it is not better to reschedule this to a new lender. This usually works with pure consumers without major problems. A debt restructuring can be worthwhile if the new loan offers more favorable conditions overall, but also if you need to restructure the overall loan rate in order to remain financially flexible.

How a debt restructuring takes place

First of all, you have to find a new lender and ask him for a loan in the amount of the remaining debt for the old loan and the newly needed money. At the lender where the new loan is applied for, one must indicate that a part of the loan is to be used for the rescheduling of the old loan.