When the term "Schufa" appears, many people are startled. The reason is that "Schufa" is only talked about because if there are negative entries, no contracts can be signed or no purchases can be made. So some people think that the dream of the condominium as an investment has been shattered. We show here that this is not necessarily the case.

Real estate loan despite bad Schufa

The "SCHUFA" is a credit agency in Germany. The business purpose of the company is to provide credit-related information. The company receives this information about consumers from banks, building societies, mail-order companies, department stores or even telecommunications companies.

This includes, for example, information on the closing and information on the opening of current accounts, on consumer loans as well as on surety bonds. However, personal data that goes beyond address and name, such as information on assets and income or information on account balances, is not collected.


You are pregnant? Congratulations! From now on there are some important points to consider. From the mother-child passport and maternity protection to deciding on the right maternity leave model and financial issues. You can find all important information about pregnancy here.

Mother-child pass

As soon as you suspect a pregnancy, you should see your gynecologist as soon as possible. If it is indeed confirmed that you are pregnant, you will be issued a mother-child passport. All important dates and appointments for medical examinations during pregnancy and the first four years of the child's life are recorded on it. The first examination must be completed by the end of the 16. week of pregnancy take place.

Development of the baby

For the baby to develop properly, it spends nine months in the mother's womb . As the first trimester or. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are referred to as the third trimester. During these weeks, the first accumulations of cells develop into organs. The little heart already starts beating at 120 to 160 beats per minute, while the baby can be up to five centimeters tall.

Right financing

For homeowners who occupy their property, the annuity loan is the most widely used form of financing. The advantages are obvious: the monthly installments (annuities), which consist of interest and repayment, remain the same for the agreed period (fixed interest rate) of ten or more years. This also applies if the construction interest rates should rise. This results in planning security for the borrower over the entire period of the fixed-interest period.

Usually an annuity loan is coupled to the pledge of a land charge. This can be signed over with a follow-up financing (rescheduling) admittedly more economically than a mortgage. The land charge does not continuously decrease as in the case of a mortgage, but is only cancelled after full repayment.

How to calculate an annuity loan?

An annuity loan is calculated by multiplying the loan amount by the sum of interest and repayment percentages. Afterwards one divides this then by 100. This results in the annual burden for the annuity loan.

At the same time local and international is the interdisciplinary platform "The Expo Festival". Since 2013, the English Theatre Berlin has been presenting annual showcases of international artists whose adopted home is Berlin. This year's festival of expat art from Berlin will be held on 15. June opened with the dance performance "Present Body 2" by Grupo Oito of Brazilian choreographer Ricardo de Paula.

The 2022 Expo Festival: Showcasing the creative diversity and quality of Berlin's international independent scene

Ricardo de Paula's Grupo Oito is in its composition already itself a small UN, the members come from Brazil, Germany, France, Ghana, Austria, Congo, Spain and the USA, all with residence Berlin. Her current piece, "Present Body 2," is one of twelve productions selected from about 200 applications to be presented by the "Expo 2022 Festival," six of which will be shown as work-in-progress on the associated newcomer platform, "ExpLoRE".

The three-member curatorial team led by Daniel Brunet, the artistic director of English Theatre Berlin, has placed particular emphasis on reflecting the diversity of Berlin's independent scene not only in the cultural backgrounds of the protagonists, but also in the genres, current themes and working methods. Brunet says: "To reflect the post-migrant and international reality of Berlin and the creative diversity and artistic quality of the independent scene is our goal and mission. This is also why the curatorial team is cross-disciplinary."

Who would like to fulfill itself the desire of a free-hold apartment, which finds at present a historically low interest level before. For this reason, the financing of a condominium is particularly favorable in terms of interest rates, especially since long fixed interest rates can also be agreed at extremely favorable conditions. The following article deals with the topic "loan for condominium" and includes all important aspects as well as numerous tips, which should be considered around the apartment purchase.

What financing sums can I afford?

When it comes to comprehensive planning of a construction financing, future borrowers should first think about the maximum possible financing amount. The answer to the question "What financing amount can I afford?"must be answered under consideration of two aspects: the debt service ability and the maximum possible financing term. The debt service capability reflects the creditworthiness of the borrower and shows what monthly surplus can be used as a financing installment. The following formula is used to determine the debt service capacity: Net family income – lump sum for living expenses = monthly surplus. Regarding the lump sums for living expenses, it is important to know that the lump sums calculated vary from bank to bank (for example, 30% of net income for the first adult, 300.00 euros for each additional adult, 200.00 euros for each child). With regard to the maximum financing term, the age reached at the start of financing is the most important factor. In accordance with consumer protection requirements, achieving freedom from debt by the start of retirement is an absolutely mandatory criterion. The maximum financing term should therefore always be based on the time remaining until the planned retirement date. With the help of the monthly installment as well as the possible financing period in years, the maximum financing amount can be easily calculated, assuming an example interest rate:


  • Age of the borrower: 30 years
  • Possible repayment rate: 1.000.00 euros
  • Example interest rate: 2.80%
  • Fixed borrowing rate: complete financing term
  • Assumed retirement age: 65 years

-> In the remaining 35 years, the borrower in the above example could finance a sum of 267.500,00 Euro repay.

Farmer, looking for a cheap loan for farmers, at work

You are a farmer and urgently need fresh capital to make a major purchase? You need a new tractor, a larger combine harvester or a more powerful seed drill? Do you want to have a new warehouse built? Or are you simply looking for a consumer loan that is freely available to you?

Granted: Farmers and agronomists of all kinds, such as organic farmers, grape growers or livestock farmers, do not always have an easy time getting a fast, flexible and favorable loan for farmers from German banks and commercial credit institutions, as their income levels cannot be considered regular due to constantly changing weather and market conditions. But that most farmers and agriculturists have no chance at all to get a fair loan is certainly not correct!

The experienced and competent team of KREDIT 123 explains to you in this contribution, which means and ways are to you at the disposal, in order to take up as an agrarian farmer a just as flexible as favorable credit for farmers. In doing so, we also give you helpful advice on how to further improve the conditions of a farmer loan!

Plameco stretch ceilings: Increasing the value of real estate through modernization with stretch ceilings

Are you planning to build or buy a house? Or are you already the proud owner of a house or condominium?? Your first thoughts as an owner probably don't revolve around resale. After all, when you get married, you do not immediately think of divorce .

And yet, in a quiet hour you should think about value enhancement.

  • Are you looking for value preservation or resale??
  • Should there be an increase in value for future generations?
  • If it is a matter of measures that can be implemented in the short term that no longer benefit you yourself?
  • Or are you planning long-term improvements that will benefit you and your heirs??

One could think that owning housing in these times already automatically brings the increase in value. That this is not really the case is known to anyone who has viewed older properties when buying a home, where decades have gone by without modernization.

If you have the N.I.E. If you are interested in applying for a Barcelona tax number, you may be interested in this testimonial from Susanne Lee in Barcelona. The NIE number is one of the first things that new citizens in Barcelona have to take care of. Without the NIE number nothing works in Barcelona. You need the tax number to participate in normal life.

All beginnings are difficult and so it is with the NIE number in Barcelona. Once issued, it is valid for life. The NIE number identifies the foreigner in Spain as a unique person before the Spanish State.

In Catalan, the NIE tax number Barcelona is called "Número d'Identificacio per a Estrangers" and in Spanish "Número de Identidad/Identificacion de Extranjero" and is intended for non-resident foreigners, or. People who are new to Barcelona (not to be confused with tarjeta de Residencia, which is the green card for residents).

The creditworthiness of a loan applicant has a considerable influence on credit decisions by financial institutions as well as on the interest rate that z. B. for a real estate loan is calculated. Of particular importance for the assessment of creditworthiness by financial institutions are the score values determined by credit agencies such as Schufa and Creditreform.

We inform you about the decisive factors influencing the scoring and tell you how you can actively improve your personal score value.

1. Financing: The relationship between credit scoring and effective interest rate

Credit scoring maps creditworthiness ("credit rating"). Financial institutions will only grant a real estate loan if the score is sufficiently good.

Iceberg (Photo: Miriam Duran/unsplash)

Rainforest, desert, mountains: the geography of South America is incredibly diverse – but often an obstacle to development

People posing in outdoor jackets in front of glaciers in Patagonia or on volcanoes, filthy motorcyclists on the Panamericana, the one with 25.000 kilometers of the world's longest road, moon addicts in the Atacama Desert, nature freaks in the jungle: For adventure seekers, South America is a paradise. However, for residents, the landscape between the tropics and Antarctica can become a real challenge. To trade in the Amazon region or even across the Andes proved impossible for centuries and until today.

Natural barriers mean there's less war – and when there is, it's over raw materials

As a result, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay to the east of the Andes had to transport many goods by sea to deliver them to Venezuela and Colombia to the north or Ecuador, Peru, and Chile to the west. To the European colonialists in the 16. Thus, in the nineteenth century, the main concern was to develop the ports – also to be able to trade with Europe. Many of the largest cities are located on coasts or estuaries: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Lima.

In the center of the subcontinent, jungles, snowy mountain passes, dry deserts and deep valleys have always had to be crossed. At least these natural barriers – which often function as national borders – kept the risk of disputes between countries low. One of the few conflicts took place from 1879 to 1884 between Chile on the one side and Peru and Bolivia on the other side. The so-called Saltpetre War, which was about a resource-rich region in what is now northern Chile, ended with Bolivia losing its access to the Pacific Ocean – to this day a heavy mortgage for the country.