Upscale house

Term life insurance provides financial protection for your dependents in the event of your death. This is particularly important if you are planning to buy or have a property built. Since in most cases a loan is taken out to finance construction, it should be insured. In the event of your death, the loan debt would be transferred to another borrower, but that borrower would not be financially burdened by the insurance. In addition, many banks also require term life insurance to secure the home loan.

term life insurance is required by many banks to secure construction financing.

Difficult access to term life insurance due to a previous illness

When taking out life insurance, pre-existing conditions lead to premium surcharges or rejection by insurance companies, as the probability of death is significantly increased. In recent years, there has been an increase in "widespread diseases" such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity and mental illnesses. However, it is precisely these groups of people who are often interested in term life insurance, even if their previous illness makes it difficult for them to access it.

We all have financial goals. The paths we choose vary from person to person and can lead to a satisfying professional life. Most of us believe that frugality is the best option to achieve our goals. However, savings alone are unlikely to keep pace with inflation and taxes, and it will take a much longer working life to achieve any goal. Thus, saving does not necessarily lead to financial freedom.

Investing is a path to independence

Investing is the only way to achieve financial freedom. It is a process of taking measurable risks, with the potential to be leveraged through cryptocurrencies, mutual funds, etc. To achieve a higher rate of wealth growth over the long term. The principles of this process are based on time horizon, asset allocation and alignment with financial goals that should not change regardless of market cycles. It will take many years to achieve significant prosperity.

It would therefore be advisable to develop a separate strategy in this area, setting out the philosophy, framework and process for wallet management. Choose your investment wisely and according to risk resistance; and if possible, build your wallet with the help of an experienced financial advisor or trusted products like Ripple Package. Maintain the chosen wallet allocation over a long period of time (at least five years) and regularly review the results.

Low construction interest rates

Who thinks now of the building of houses or the purchase of a real estate, should secure itself low building interest rates. Experts advise fixing the interest rate for as long as possible, as this provides planning security. However, it may be worthwhile to set the interest for a shorter period of time.

Take advantage of low construction interest rates

Interest rates for mortgage loans have fallen to record lows. If one wants to take out a mortgage loan, it does not matter whether one sets only a short-term or a longer-term fixed-interest period. With a fixed interest rate of 10 years, borrowers have to pay about 2.3 percent interest, according to an index by FMH-Finanzberatung. This index was calculated from information provided by 40 financial institutions and intermediaries.

Just one year ago, the interest rate averaged 3 percent, which was already considered historically favorable. Within 20 years, a historic high of almost 9 percent was recorded in 1994. Max autumn of the FMH Finanzberatung assumes the uncertainty at the capital market as cause for the decrease of the building interest rates.

Austin city skyline near water

The Central Texas housing market ranks among the most desirable areas for homeownership in the country. It’s home to Austin, Fort Hood, Killeen, College Station, and Waco. Together, these cities provide a wide range of living choices from family-friendly to the military lifestyle and even college town. They offer great value and a high quality of life. Though, for sake of this article, we’ll focus on the Austin real estate market.

Its strong economy is one of the main elements boosting the local real estate market. It’s also a reason why home values continue to be so healthy. In fact, home values have 25% year over year in recent history.

Buying vs. renting in Austin

There are many things to consider when deciding whether to buy or rent a home. When it comes to finances and budget, keep these three points top of mind.

We have compiled all the crucial information on KfW subsidies. Find out which subsidy products are available and where the stumbling blocks lie. You can also optimize your real estate financing in a targeted manner.

  1. You choose the type of financing – whether for new construction, real estate purchase, debt restructuring or forward loan – and provide information on the costs incurred and, if applicable, equity capital / personal contributions.
  2. Then enter the key data of your income, revenue and expenditure situation.
  3. On the basis of your information, we calculate the financing feasibility of your project and draw up your personal comparison – free of charge and without obligation

With promotion programs cash money save

Whether builder or property buyer – every prospective homeowner should check whether subsidies are available before purchasing a property. Their integration can be really worthwhile, since often a substantial reduction of the costs lures.

How high the possible saving turns out, depends on which promotion measures are accessible.

Tips and information for private landlords whose rental property is not a business asset.

Who can find answers here?

This article was written for all those landlords who record their income using the "rental and leasing" income method. These are private landlords whose rental income is not included on a financial statement. The information provided is based on Austrian tax law.

What fees are due on existing contracts at closing?

Landlords know the procedure. When concluding a rental agreement, please fill out the form Geb1 (notification of self-calculation of fees pursuant to § 33 tariff item 5 line 3 of the Fee Act [GebG] 1957) and send it to your competent tax office. A charge of around one percent of the assessment basis is due for existing contracts.

Schoolgirl in need of credit for students, studying

You are a vocational student or a student in college and wonder if you can get a fast, flexible and cheap loan for students? The experienced and competent credit experts of KREDIT 123 can tell you: Yes, even a student loan is basically possible, provided that certain conditions can be met by you!

Of course, as a student you will not yet have too high a regular income, so loans with very large sums without co-applicants or guarantors should certainly not yet be in it for you. Freely available small loans, on the other hand, are anything but unrealistic or even utopian!

So if you're a student looking to buy a new iPhone, new designer clothes, or a roadworthy scooter, you should read this detailed post thoroughly. Because we give you here important information, tips and advice that you need to be able to get as a student to a fast as well as cheap student credit!

What is the so-called repayment? Finding a definition for the term "repayment" is actually quite easy. Ultimately, repayment is nothing more than paying off a loan – a debt is repaid by paying back a sum of money. This also applies to a forward loan.

But the cost of a loan isn't just the ongoing repayments. To calculate the total cost of a loan, you need to add up the monthly interest and the monthly repayment rate. The overall result is then referred to as debt service.

Repayment plays an important role, especially in construction financing

In the case of a small loan, the question of repayment is easy to answer. You agree on a duration for the repayment of the consumer credit. Depending on the agreed duration of the loan agreement, the amount of the monthly repayment is automatically determined. The bank will give you a rate, which is the initial repayment and the initial interest, and ideally this will be paid until the end of the loan term. In the end, the installment loan is paid off.

Reduce double burden when building a house

Anyone who builds a new house will almost always have to bear the double burden of continuing to pay rent and the financing costs for the new building project. We show you how you can reduce this double burden as much as possible.

Unlike buying a completed property, you have to pay the cost of a new construction project in installments. This starts with buying the land and continues with building the house. Until you move in, there are usually many partial payments to contractors, tradesmen, utilities, etc. an. Depending on the amount of available equity and the structure of the financing, construction period interest rates vary here. This is the name given to the interest you have to pay to a bank until you move in.

What are construction period interest?

Construction period interest is the interest you have to pay to the bank until the completion of the construction project. These sat down together from the interest for disbursed loan amounts and if necessary. accruing commitment interest. Depending on the agreement with the bank, at some point you will have to pay interest on the loan amounts that have not yet been disbursed, i.e. interest for the fact that the money has been made available to you. This commitment interest is a serious matter, because almost all banks in Germany charge an interest rate of 3% per annum for it – and thus sometimes three times what the loan itself costs.

Refinancing vs. a home equity loan: The difference

One good thing about owning a home: Not only is it a place to live and an investment (a good one, you hope), it can also be a source of cash when you need it ..

If you already live in your house – and you have for a few years – two financial terms probably come up: Refinancing and home equity loans. You may know a little about them, but not enough to make financial decisions. They are often used in the same sentence, but they differ drastically.

While both terms have one thing in common: they refer to collecting money through your home. Here’s a scenario: ten years ago, when you first bought your home, interest rates were nearly 6% on your 30-year fixed mortgage. In 2015, you could get a mortgage for around 4%. Two items could knock a few hundred dollars off your monthly payment and far more off the total cost of financing your home.