Bringing light into the darkness of the establishment jungle – coach harald hubert knows, how it goes

"You learn a lot about yourself when you start up" – Harald Hubert on his work as a coach, how BayStartUP supports nascent founders in setting up a company and in start-up financing, and why he sometimes puts on his investor's glasses.

Operative intervention is probably most often associated with a medical procedure. Harald Hubert does something completely different professionally. But again, the term he uses to describe his work fits: Harald is a Startup Coach & Ecosystem Developer at BayStartUP. BayStartUP is a Bavarian start-up network and has set itself the goal of supporting inquisitive founders in the areas of financing and business development. Harald is responsible for the area of Upper Franconia: once a week he is available in Hof at Einstein1 to support founders and those who want to become one, in weekly rotation you can also find him once a week on the Erba in Bamberg at Lagarde1, respectively in Coburg at Zukunft.Coburg.Digital.

Contact person for basic information on start-up ideas and problems in the start-up process

People who have an idea for a start-up can discuss the basics with Harald and thus shed light on the question of whether it makes sense to start up the idea they have brought with them. But Harald is also the contact person for those seeking help with problems during the start-up process. When developing a business model that suits them, founders often encounter difficulties. In one or more conversations with Harald, they can discuss outstanding issues together. Thus he gives Tipps, how one develops and uses a Sales Funnel or how one can become competitive on the market.

Sales funnel or sales funnel refers to the process prospects go through when they become a client. The funnel consists of several phases, and in each phase the potential buyer gets one step closer to making a purchase. (…) The process is described as a funnel, because there are a lot of potential prospects in the beginning. These become less and less and in the end only those remain who actually buy the product.

Harald not only supports with the formation of a business model. He and BayStartUp can also help with financing. BayStartUp has a pool of investors with more than 300 business angels and more than 150 venture capitalists in the portfolio for a possible investment. Harald's task is to refer (nascent) start-ups to them. How does he go about it? Harald says: "I then put on the investor glasses."If he looks at start-ups from the perspective of potential financiers, he can see whether a start-up has potential for direct placement with an investor. In addition, there is the possibility of pitching to investors at specially organized events and thus gaining their interest in your business idea.

Learning to start up with the business plan competition

BayStartUp also offers workshops on all aspects of starting a business, most of which are free of charge. The program currently includes various events on the topics of business planning and machine learning. For most of the workshops you can simply register, but some of them are also part of the business plan competition.

The business plan competition is an important aspect of BayStartUp's offering. In the area of Upper Franconia you can participate in the business competition North Bavaria. In three phases, participants learn how – as the name suggests – to develop and optimize a business plan.

The three phases of the Businessplan-Wettbewerb Nordbayern

  • First phase: The focus is on business idea/product and market/summary.
  • Second phase: The participants should turn to marketing and sales in concrete terms: What exactly should the product look like? How to market it?
  • Final phase: realization, capital requirements and sales planning are scrutinized.

Harald recommends participating: "The competition gives you a chance to try things out – and you learn a lot about yourself in the process." More information about the competition can be found on the associated website of BayStartUP.

So anyone in Bamberg, Coburg, Bayreuth or Hof who is in the middle of the start-up process and has unanswered questions can contact Harald – ideally with a two pager containing some information on the start-up idea and the current status. Interested parties can either contact Harald directly or can contact the local business incubators, which will then forward interested parties with a suitable profile to Harald. Current workshops, by Harald and other speakers, can be found on the BayStartUP website. Harald also offers workshops for the Bamberg Office for Innovation and Founding.

So if you can't find your way through the jungle of the start-up process and need tips in the area of business model and financing, Harald is the right person for you.

More courage to try out as a goal for Upper Franconia

What is Harald's vision for the future? "For the Upper Franconia region, I hope that even more will be tested out. Especially start-ups out of university can be exciting. For my coaching sessions, it would also be inspiring if more impulses came from experienced and multiple founders. Working with people who have already set up their own business offers me new perspectives and the chance to learn from each other."

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