Avoid mistakes and save money with our financial tips for the right approach to online loans. With the flood of hardly manageable loan products, 'the normal citizen' finds it difficult to find his way around.
For a better understanding, you should therefore take a few minutes to read our information and save money in financial matters in the future
In the offline world, it is usually hardly as easy and above all promptly possible to obtain a correspondingly quickly needed instant loan from a reputable bank. Online, on the other hand, you only need a PC or notebook as a prospective customer, simply go to the Internet and make the required entries directly at the desired bank. In the last two years, the total share of loans applied for online has continued to grow strongly.
Tip from the experts: This form of credit is generally possible. But here it is even more important to choose a reputable provider. Therefore, read this article carefully!
Many credit banks – of it subsidiaries of well-known banks, as well as also particularly created direct banks – specialized in on-line granting of credit and loans to consumers.
Favorable credit despite negative Schufa?
Specialized credit brokers cooperate with banks at home and abroad and offer the prospective customer thereby a large selection at favorable credit offers. These companies also work with banks, or rather, with private-sector lenders in Switzerland, and can thus also arrange loans for Germans who no longer have the required creditworthiness due to negative credit history in Germany. Such special loans are popularly called Swiss loans. Better known as loans without Schufa.
Expensive interest trap lurks: High interest charges due to account overdrafts!
The overdraft facility is without question ideal for short-term financial injections. The current account overdrawn for a long time, however, comes to the consumer very expensive. The interest charged by banks for the overdraft is immensely high compared to the interest rate of a loan. The "tolerated overdraft", that is, everything that exceeds the previously agreed overdraft amount, is immensely expensive. Our house bank V. z.B. charges 19.5% in interest for this(!!).
Savings tip: In these cases, the amount of money owed should always be balanced by an appropriate loan, even if the overdraft facility exists for a long time. The in the credit portal of OMEXO.The above-mentioned credit institutions and financial intermediaries offer their services flexibly and unbureaucratically at favorable conditions, so that the credit seeker always has more financial leeway in a timely manner.
Annoying bank visits are a thing of the past!
Understandably and comprehensibly it can be already quite unpleasant for the applicant to ask by a personal attendance with the house bank for a favorable installment credit. Who once tried to get an instant loan at his credit institution, knows exactly what we mean by it. In our independent credit portal for loans and financing of all kinds, consumers can always select first relaxed in each case the suitable and individual credit offer and apply for their personal desire credit in the Internet unbureaucratically. Also in particularly difficult cases, financial emergency situations and emergencies, can often still be helped with a loan, this also despite negative creditworthiness.
Apply for credit on the Internet cheaply
The procedure of a loan application is quite uncomplicated. Here the loan applicant simply fills out the appropriate application form and then sends it online. With regard to their own income situation, the required information should always be as accurate as possible, only in this way queries and associated time delays can be avoided.
The further procedure: The bank then first checks with reservations whether a loan can be granted in accordance with the initial information provided. Depending on the credit bank, the applicant receives the preliminary offer individually prepared for him within a few minutes or hours by e-mail.
As a rule, the identity of the applicant is established by means of the so-called PostIdent procedure, whereby the actual credit agreement is usually sent in original form by letter post or by fax.
We recommend our customers the free credit broker Bon-Kredit. Inquiries are here always without follow-up costs. Even if your loan application is rejected by the bank, you have no costs to fear. Guaranteed!