Installment loan without Schufa? explains how to get a loan without Schufa check

A new car, renovating the kitchen, financing the next vacation – in everyday life, there are always occasions when a loan can be helpful. But what if you have a negative Schufa record? Is it possible to get an installment loan without Schufa?? Here are the most important facts:

Credit assessment of banks regulated by law

According to the law, German banks are obliged to check the creditworthiness of their customers before granting a loan. For this purpose, most credit institutions use the information from Schufa. The credit agency Schufa informs its contractual partners about the creditworthiness of applicants.

Creditworthiness – what does it actually mean? By creditworthiness is meant both the ability and the will to pay back the loan. The credit check also takes into account the consumer's income, fixed income and expenses and other loans. However, the credit check is not only worthwhile for the bank. The applicant himself thus learns whether he can actually afford the desired loan. The verification of creditworthiness can therefore also be seen as a means of self-protection for the customer.

Securing a loan with your home equity is one of the easiest ways to get low interest rates. If you need a lot of cash, it’s a great way to use your most valuable asset (your property) to secure a loan.

While tapping into your home equity may seem attractive, you need to be careful. Home prices are higher in Canada than ever before and rising quickly, which makes home equity more plentiful. But if you aren’t careful, it’s your property that’s on the line after all. There are a few things you need to keep in mind if you want to use this powerful tool.

What You Need To Tap Into Your Equity

Using your home equity is fairly easy. But you will need to meet a few minimum requirements before you’re able to.

Is fee-based consulting anti-social? – Commission advice harms your wealth

The financial lobby has done it again! What one read in the fall of 2021 about the negotiations in the new coalition initially gave courage that the new government finally dares to limit or even completely abolish the nonsense of commission sales.

Unfortunately in the coalition agreement nothing more of it was to be read.

A substantial contribution to the receipt of the commission selling probably also a study of KPMG, in which fee consultation was warned and the prevailing commission selling for the majority of the consumers as the more social variant was praised. No need to mention that the study was commissioned by the banking lobby. You remember the "independent studies" commissioned by Philipp Morris and other big tobacco companies that smoking does not significantly endanger health?

He caused maximum damage in the shortest possible time and is considered a candidate for the title of "worst finance minister" of the past decades: British Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng. In just 40 days, he caused a nervous breakdown in the financial market, driving the British pound down and mortgage rates and the cost of government bonds up.

Fellow students attested to the elite student Kwasi Kwarteng, he has a great self-confidence. In any case, it helped him to let the self-inflicted chaos drip down to him.

"Minor Disruptions"

On Thursday, however, he was instructed to board the last plane to London to receive the certificate of release from Premier Liz Truss. Yet he was their most loyal enforcer, a close political friend and driven by the same economic policy beliefs as his government leader.

Study subsidy

Money plays a much more important role in studies than most first-year students are initially aware of. If there are money problems, it will be very difficult to concentrate on your studies and to perform well. This makes it all the more important for students to secure their financial existence.

There are a number of ways to support yourself while studying for your bachelor's or master's degree. At this point we have summarized comprehensive information on the topic, especially with a focus on student grants and student financing. In addition, there are financial tips for students.

Study grants in Austria

In Austria, there is the so-called Studienbeihilfe, the purpose of which is to provide financial support to students. This takes place in the form of monthly payments, which are available for free use. For example, it is possible to use the money to pay the rent or even to buy groceries. The aid is coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, which has even set up its own student aid office.

Tax day is fast approaching. Being a business owner is wonderful in many ways, but it also comes with its own unique challenges. Taxes are one of them. Gone are the days of simple withholding and 1040ez filing. Now we're getting into itemized deductions, depreciation, business expenses and mileage. However, don't let this stop you from achieving your dream of owning your own business! With a few simple tools and minor changes to your normal routine, the 15. April no longer be a dreaded date!

Staying organized is the key to dismantling the upcoming tax season. Last minute scrambling for receipts and documents only makes things worse. Here are a few ideas that can help keep your organization organized, maximize your deductions, reduce the possibility of an audit, and help tax season breathe a little easier:

Separate business from pleasure

The easiest way to separate personal expenses from business expenses is to keep separate financial accounts (both bank accounts and credit cards). If you're not quite at the point of opening a second bank account, carry at least two credit cards: one for business and one for personal. This can be an added benefit if you personalize your card with an image or logo that represents your business. In many institutions, you can upload a picture to add to your credit or debit card. Use this feature to market your business.

The European Central Bank raises interest rates. What are the concrete implications for the real estate industry?? IMMOBILIEN AKTUELL analyzes the current situation with regard to new construction, willingness to invest, transaction activity and financing of projects.

As a result of the interest rate hikes by the European Central Bank (ECB), the trend of rising interest rates on the money and capital markets that has been underway since the beginning of the year reached its interim peak at the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2022. After the ECB had already raised interest rates by 75 basis points (bp) in September, the central bank decided to increase them again by 75 bp at its last meeting in October. As a result, long-term interest rates rose sharply again in September. While the ten-year interest rate swap was still at 1.50 percent in August, the swap rose to 3.21 percent in the course of the following month. Since the central bank has announced further interest rate hikes, the cycle of interest rate hikes is likely to continue. Is the ECB stifling the real estate boom with this move – or will the industry be able to live with the increased interest rate level?

ECB with interest rate hikes only at the beginning?

The central bankers justify their interest rate steps with the fact that the inflation rate with the consumer prices is clearly too high and for longer time over the target value will remain. All in all, therefore, they continue to focus on supporting demand – and thus reducing the risk of "inflation expectations shifting permanently upward" – as part of the monetary policy stance. One of the reasons is the historically high inflation rate in October of 10.7 percent in the euro zone. In July, the rate had still been 8.9 percent. Once again, the rate was significantly higher than expected by the majority of economists surveyed in advance.

The tiny house or modular home is a trend right now, "living small". Currently the parking space question is still a challenge in Germany. Pitch question because the Tiny-House is "movable" and therefore not a house in the classic sense of the word. It is rather a mobile home. That's why a Tiny-House can't be put up so easily on a plot of land, the German building law puts up some hurdles.

Tiny house or modular home financing with affordable monthly payments

This brings us to the next hurdle: Funding.

Today, a Tiny House quickly costs 40.000 €, 50.000 € and more. Also with the modular houses the purchase prices of 70.000 or even 120.000 euros not so rare. Not everyone who wants a Tiny House can pay cash for it. Unlike a traditional home loan, the Tiny House does not represent real collateral for the bank. Also, many Tiny Houses are on leased land. Thus there is for Tiny houses only the financing solution over an installment credit. With this form of credit, only personal creditworthiness counts.

"You learn a lot about yourself when you start up" – Harald Hubert on his work as a coach, how BayStartUP supports nascent founders in setting up a company and in start-up financing, and why he sometimes puts on his investor's glasses.

Operative intervention is probably most often associated with a medical procedure. Harald Hubert does something completely different professionally. But again, the term he uses to describe his work fits: Harald is a Startup Coach & Ecosystem Developer at BayStartUP. BayStartUP is a Bavarian start-up network and has set itself the goal of supporting inquisitive founders in the areas of financing and business development. Harald is responsible for the area of Upper Franconia: once a week he is available in Hof at Einstein1 to support founders and those who want to become one, in weekly rotation you can also find him once a week on the Erba in Bamberg at Lagarde1, respectively in Coburg at Zukunft.Coburg.Digital.

Contact person for basic information on start-up ideas and problems in the start-up process

People who have an idea for a start-up can discuss the basics with Harald and thus shed light on the question of whether it makes sense to start up the idea they have brought with them. But Harald is also the contact person for those seeking help with problems during the start-up process. When developing a business model that suits them, founders often encounter difficulties. In one or more conversations with Harald, they can discuss outstanding issues together. Thus he gives Tipps, how one develops and uses a Sales Funnel or how one can become competitive on the market.

Calculate ancillary costs correctly when buying a house

No demanding landlords, attractive returns and a solid retirement provision – many reasons speak for the dream of owning your own home. Future homeowners, however, have to factor in a lot more than just the purchase price. We present all ancillary costs when buying a house and also show possible savings potential.

  • How high are the additional costs?
  • Brokerage fee
  • Notary and land registry fees
  • Real estate transfer tax
  • Overview of ancillary costs
  • Other additional costs
  • Example calculation
  • Incidental costs after the purchase
  • Financing the additional costs
  • Save on ancillary costs
  • Calculate construction financing
  • Finance the purchase price and ancillary costs favorably

How much are the additional costs when buying a house?

The incidental costs when buying a house for notary, real estate agent and the land transfer tax, which has risen steadily in recent years, must be taken into account. With modernizations or developments at the house further costs can come on the buyer in addition. Therefore one should not count alone on the obligatory additional expenses of up to 15 per cent of the purchase price. And there is more: because even after the conclusion of the purchase agreement incidental expenses are incurred with the new house.

Brokerage fee

If you are not lucky enough to find a property through private contacts, you will have to include the brokerage fees for an estate agent as a further additional cost when buying a house. In contrast to the mediation of rental properties, there is no legal requirement in the sale of real estate whether the sellers or the buyers pay the commission. Regionally different, the commission for the mediation of a real estate sale is therefore either borne exclusively by the seller ("internal commission") or by the buyer ("external commission") or shared between the two.