{"id":10707,"date":"2022-11-15T09:50:40","date_gmt":"2022-11-15T09:50:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/chettioan.com\/?p=10707"},"modified":"2023-01-26T06:55:04","modified_gmt":"2023-01-26T06:55:04","slug":"how-to-finance-a-rented-condominium","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/chettioan.com\/how-to-finance-a-rented-condominium-10707.html","title":{"rendered":"How to finance a rented condominium?"},"content":{"rendered":"

We can finance rented condominiums through our loan partners up to a maximum of 100% of the purchase price. In addition it needs however a "reasonable" real estate and above all a good credit standing. Who believes to be able to buy and finance a rented condominium without a minimum of financial reserves is mistaken (even if some self-proclaimed real estate gurus like to claim the opposite).<\/p>\n


Many banks and savings banks (but not all) have tightened the requirements for capital investors in recent years. Some banks have implemented income limits, while others require a higher surplus in the sog. Budget calculation (= comparison of monthly income and expenses). Besides, banks also have different approaches to rental income and to the sog. Management costs. In practice, this means that banks calculate quite differently for an investor than for an owner-occupier. So it can happen that the financing of an owner-occupied apartment would be possible without any problems, but the banks "shake their heads" at the same apartment as a capital investment.<\/p>\n

How much equity capital must one use?<\/h2>\n

If you want to be considered a capital investor, you have to expect to invest your own capital as well (and not just the bank's). As a general rule, you should pay at least the incidental acquisition costs yourself. Whether and in what amount further equity capital is necessary or. makes sense depends on various factors, for example:<\/p>\n